
How Long Does It Take For Garden Spider Eggs To Hatch

Most household spiders are harmless to humans and prefer to feast on bugs rather than people. And once these spiders move into your home, they soon begin laying eggs. Here are some things you should know to help avoid a spider infestation — and some telltale signs to be on the lookout for.

spider eggs in house

Spider eggs

Spiders living in your home can lay many eggs very quickly. A female spider wraps her young in a silken egg sac, which she may hide in a web or carry with her as she forages through your house. Female brown and black widow spiders can produce 10 to 20 egg sacs in their lifetime, each containing 150 to 300 eggs. However, the survival rate for these eggs is low.

Spider eggs typically hatch in 2 to 3 weeks, which can vary based on species and season. Once spiderlings fully emerge, they usually settle close to the nest area for several weeks before moving on and staking out their own territory.

Helping get rid of spider eggs in the house

Taking measures to help keep your home free of egg sacs and the spiderlings they contain is an effective way to help avoid an infestation. Luckily, there are several simple methods for helping remove or eliminate spider eggs you may find within your home.

Spider eggs are fragile and can be removed with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If using a vacuum, remove the bag after each cleaning and dispose of the debris, including the eggs, in a sealed plastic bag. When sweeping up spider eggs, try to make sure that no spiderlings have escaped the dustpan before you seal the eggs in a plastic bag.

You can also use glue traps available at your local market or hardware store to help get rid of any spiders you discover in your house. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and only use these products safely out of the reach of children and pets.

Helping keep new spiders from moving in

To help discourage new spiders from building nests inside your home, reduce clutter in and around your property as much as possible.

  • Place backyard woodpiles, mulch, rocks and compost well away from the home.
  • Store items, such as gardening gloves, clothes and sports equipment, in sealed plastic bags that will help keep spiders out.
  • Carefully inspect your attic and crawl space and clear out spider webs and eggs wherever you find them.

If you have taken steps to remove spider eggs in your house but the problem persists, or you want the help of a trained professional from the start, contact the pest control professionals at Terminix®.

How Long Does It Take For Garden Spider Eggs To Hatch


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