
Which Of The Following Characteristics Are True For Both Plants And Animals Reproduction

Learning Objectives

Past the cease of this section, y'all volition exist able to:
  • List the features that distinguish the creature kingdom from other kingdoms
  • Explain the processes of beast reproduction and embryonic development
  • Describe the hierarchy of basic beast nomenclature
  • Compare and contrast the embryonic development of protostomes and deuterostomes

Even though members of the animal kingdom are incredibly diverse, animals share common features that distinguish them from organisms in other kingdoms. All animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms, and almost all animals have specialized tissues. Virtually animals are motile, at least during certain life stages. Animals require a source of nutrient to abound and develop. All animals are heterotrophic, ingesting living or expressionless organic affair. This form of obtaining energy distinguishes them from autotrophic organisms, such as nearly plants, which make their own nutrients through photosynthesis and from fungi that digest their nutrient externally. Animals may exist carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or parasites (Figure 15.ii). Most animals reproduce sexually: The offspring laissez passer through a series of developmental stages that constitute a determined body plan, unlike plants, for case, in which the exact shape of the body is indeterminate. The trunk plan refers to the shape of an animal.

Part a shows a bear with a large fish in its mouth. Part b shows a heart in a jar. Long, threadlike worms extend from the heart.

Figure 15.2 All animals that derive energy from food are heterotrophs. The (a) blackness deport is an omnivore, eating both plants and animals. The (b) heartworm Dirofilaria immitis is a parasite that derives free energy from its hosts. Information technology spends its larval stage in mosquitos and its adult stage infesting the hearts of dogs and other mammals, every bit shown here. (credit a: modification of work by USDA Wood Service; credit b: modification of piece of work past Clyde Robinson)

Circuitous Tissue Construction

A hallmark trait of animals is specialized structures that are differentiated to perform unique functions. Equally multicellular organisms, well-nigh animals develop specialized cells that group together into tissues with specialized functions. A tissue is a drove of similar cells that had a mutual embryonic origin. There are 4 main types of animal tissues: nervous, musculus, connective, and epithelial. Nervous tissue contains neurons, or nerve cells, which transmit nerve impulses. Muscle tissue contracts to cause all types of body motility from locomotion of the organism to movements within the body itself. Animals also have specialized connective tissues that provide many functions, including transport and structural support. Examples of connective tissues include claret and os. Connective tissue is comprised of cells separated past extracellular textile made of organic and inorganic materials, such equally the protein and mineral deposits of bone. Epithelial tissue covers the internal and external surfaces of organs inside the creature body and the external surface of the body of the organism.

Link to Learning

Concept in Action

View this video to watch a presentation by biologist Due east.O. Wilson on the importance of animal variety.

Animal Reproduction and Development

About animals have diploid body (somatic) cells and a small number of haploid reproductive (gamete) cells produced through meiosis. Some exceptions exist: For instance, in bees, wasps, and ants, the male is haploid because it develops from an unfertilized egg. Nigh animals undergo sexual reproduction, while many too have mechanisms of asexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction and Embryonic Development

Almost all animal species are capable of reproducing sexually; for many, this is the just way of reproduction possible. This distinguishes animals from fungi, protists, and bacteria, where asexual reproduction is common or exclusive. During sexual reproduction, the male and female gametes of a species combine in a process called fertilization. Typically, the pocket-sized, motile male sperm travels to the much larger, sessile female egg. Sperm form is diverse and includes cells with flagella or amoeboid cells to facilitate movement. Fertilization and fusion of the gamete nuclei produce a zygote. Fertilization may exist internal, especially in land animals, or external, as is common in many aquatic species.

After fertilization, a developmental sequence ensues every bit cells divide and differentiate. Many of the events in development are shared in groups of related beast species, and these events are i of the primary ways scientists allocate loftier-level groups of animals. During evolution, animal cells specialize and form tissues, determining their future morphology and physiology. In many animals, such as mammals, the young resemble the adult. Other animals, such as some insects and amphibians, undergo consummate metamorphosis in which individuals enter ane or more than larval stages. For these animals, the immature and the adult have different diets and sometimes habitats. In other species, a process of incomplete metamorphosis occurs in which the immature somewhat resemble the adults and go through a series of stages separated past molts (shedding of the skin) until they reach the terminal adult form.

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction, different sexual reproduction, produces offspring genetically identical to each other and to the parent. A number of animal species—especially those without backbones, but even some fish, amphibians, and reptiles—are capable of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction, except for occasional identical twinning, is absent in birds and mammals. The most mutual forms of asexual reproduction for stationary aquatic animals include budding and fragmentation, in which part of a parent private can split and grow into a new individual. In contrast, a course of asexual reproduction establish in certain invertebrates and rare vertebrates is called parthenogenesis (or "virgin offset"), in which unfertilized eggs develop into new offspring.

Classification Features of Animals

Animals are classified co-ordinate to morphological and developmental characteristics, such as a torso plan. With the exception of sponges, the animal body plan is symmetrical. This ways that their distribution of torso parts is balanced along an centrality. Additional characteristics that contribute to animal classification include the number of tissue layers formed during evolution, the presence or absenteeism of an internal torso cavity, and other features of embryological development.

Visual Connection

Visual Connection

The phylogenetic tree of metazoans, or animals, branches into parazoans with no tissues and eumetazoans with specialized tissues. Parazoans include Porifera, or sponges. Eumetazoans branch into Radiata, diploblastic animals with radial symmetry, and Bilateria, triploblastic animals with bilateral symmetry. Radiata includes cnidarians and ctenophores (comb jellies). Bilateria branches into Protostomia and Deuterostomia, which possess a body cavity. Deuterostomes include chordates and echinoderms. Protostomia branches into Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa. Ecdysozoa includes arthropods and nematodes, or roundworms. Lophotrochozoa includes Mollusca, Annelida, Nemertea, which includes ribbon worms, Rotifera, and Platyhelminthes, which includes flatworms.

Figure 15.3 The phylogenetic tree of animals is based on morphological, fossil, and genetic evidence.

Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Eumetazoa take specialized tissues and Parazoa do non.
  2. Both acoelomates and pseudocoelomates have a trunk crenel.
  3. Chordates are more closely related to echinoderms than to rotifers according to the effigy.
  4. Some animals take radial symmetry, and some animals take bilateral symmetry.

Body Symmetry

Animals may be asymmetrical, radial, or bilateral in course (Figure 15.4). Asymmetrical animals are animals with no pattern or symmetry; an case of an asymmetrical animal is a sponge (Figure 15.4a). An organism with radial symmetry (Figure 15.4b) has a longitudinal (upward-and-down) orientation: Whatever aeroplane cutting along this up–down axis produces roughly mirror-image halves. An case of an organism with radial symmetry is a sea anemone.

Illustration a shows an asymmetrical sponge with a tube-like body and a growth off to one side. Illustration b shows a sea anemone with a tube-like, radially symmetrical body. Tentacles grow from the top of the tube. Three vertical planes arranged 120 degrees apart dissect the body. The half of the body on one side of each plane is a mirror image of the body on the other side. Illustration c shows a goat with a bilaterally symmetrical body. A plane runs from front to back through the middle of the goat, dissecting the body into left and right halves, which are mirror images of each other. The top part of the goat is defined as dorsal, and the bottom part is defined as ventral. The front of the goat is defined as anterior, and the back is defined as posterior.

Figure 15.4 Animals showroom different types of body symmetry. The (a) sponge is asymmetrical and has no planes of symmetry, the (b) sea anemone has radial symmetry with multiple planes of symmetry, and the (c) caprine animal has bilateral symmetry with ane plane of symmetry.

Bilateral symmetry is illustrated in Figure 15.4c using a goat. The goat also has upper and lower sides to it, but they are not symmetrical. A vertical plane cut from front to back separates the animal into roughly mirror-image correct and left sides. Animals with bilateral symmetry also take a "head" and "tail" (anterior versus posterior) and a dorsum and underside (dorsal versus ventral).

Link to Learning

Concept in Action

Watch this video to come across a quick sketch of the unlike types of body symmetry.

Layers of Tissues

About animate being species undergo a layering of early on tissues during embryonic development. These layers are called germ layers. Each layer develops into a specific ready of tissues and organs. Animals develop either two or 3 embryonic germs layers (Figure 15.5). The animals that brandish radial symmetry develop ii germ layers, an inner layer (endoderm) and an outer layer (ectoderm). These animals are called diploblasts. Animals with bilateral symmetry develop iii germ layers: an inner layer (endoderm), an outer layer (ectoderm), and a center layer (mesoderm). Animals with 3 germ layers are called triploblasts.

The left illustration shows the two embryonic germ layers of a diploblast. The inner layer is the endoderm, and the outer layer is the ectoderm. Sandwiched between the endoderm and the ectoderm is a non-living layer. The right illustration shows the three embryonic germ layers of a triploblast. Like the diploblast, the triploblast has an inner endoderm and an outer ectoderm. Sandwiched between these two layers is a living mesoderm.

Figure 15.5 During embryogenesis, diploblasts develop two embryonic germ layers: an ectoderm and an endoderm. Triploblasts develop a third layer—the mesoderm—between the endoderm and ectoderm.

Presence or Absence of a Coelom

Triploblasts may develop an internal body cavity derived from mesoderm, called a coelom (pr. encounter-LŌM). This epithelial-lined crenel is a space, usually filled with fluid, which lies between the digestive organisation and the body wall. Information technology houses organs such as the kidneys and spleen, and contains the circulatory organisation. Triploblasts that do not develop a coelom are chosen acoelomates, and their mesoderm region is completely filled with tissue, although they have a gut cavity. Examples of acoelomates include the flatworms. Animals with a truthful coelom are called eucoelomates (or coelomates) (Effigy 15.6). A true coelom arises entirely within the mesoderm germ layer. Animals such equally earthworms, snails, insects, starfish, and vertebrates are all eucoelomates. A third group of triploblasts has a torso cavity that is derived partly from mesoderm and partly from endoderm tissue. These animals are called pseudocoelomates. Roundworms are examples of pseudocoelomates. New information on the relationships of pseudocoelomates suggest that these phyla are not closely related and so the evolution of the pseudocoelom must take occurred more than than once (Figure 15.3). True coelomates can be further characterized based on features of their early on embryological development.

Part a shows the body plan of acoelomates, including flatworms. Acoelomates have a central digestive cavity. Outside this digestive cavity are three tissue layers: an inner endoderm, a central mesoderm, and an outer ectoderm. The photo shows a swimming flatworm, which has the appearance of a frilly black and pink ribbon. Part b shows the body plan of eucoelomates, which include annelids, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms, and chordates. Eucoelomates have the same tissue layers as acoelomates, but a cavity called a coelom exists within the mesoderm. The coelom is divided into two symmetrical parts that are separated by two spokes of mesoderm. The photo shows a swimming annelid known as a bloodworm. The bloodworm has a tubular body that is tapered at each end. Numerous appendages radiate from either side. Part c shows the body plan of pseudocoelomates, which include roundworms. Like the acoelomates and eucoelomates, the pseudocoelomates have an endoderm, a mesoderm, and an ectoderm. However, in pseudocoelomates, a pseudocoelom separates the endoderm from the mesoderm. The photo shows a roundworm, or nematode, which has a tubular body.

Figure 15.half dozen Triploblasts may be acoelomates, eucoelomates, or pseudocoelomates. Eucoelomates accept a body cavity inside the mesoderm, called a coelom, which is lined with mesoderm tissue. Pseudocoelomates have a similar body cavity, but information technology is lined with mesoderm and endoderm tissue. (credit a: modification of piece of work by Jan Derk; credit b: modification of work by NOAA; credit c: modification of work by USDA, ARS)

Protostomes and Deuterostomes

Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic eucoelomates tin can be divided into two groups based on differences in their early embryonic development. Protostomes include phyla such as arthropods, mollusks, and annelids. Deuterostomes include the chordates and echinoderms. These ii groups are named from which opening of the digestive cavity develops first: mouth or anus. The word protostome comes from Greek words pregnant "mouth start," and deuterostome originates from words meaning "oral fissure second" (in this case, the anus develops beginning). This difference reflects the fate of a structure chosen the blastopore (Effigy 15.7), which becomes the oral cavity in protostomes and the anus in deuterostomes. Other developmental characteristics differ betwixt protostomes and deuterostomes, including the way of formation of the coelom and the early on cell sectionalisation of the embryo.

The illustration compares the development of protostomes and deuterostomes. In both protostomes and deuterostomes, the gastrula, which resembles a hollow ball of cells, contains an indentation called a blastopore. In protostomes, two circular layers of mesoderm form inside the gastrula, containing the coelom. As the protostome develops, the mesoderm grows and fuses with the gastrula cell layer. The blastopore becomes the mouth, and a second opening forms opposite the mouth, which becomes the anus. In deuterostomes, two groups of gastrula cells in the blastopore grow inward to form the mesoderm. As the deuterostome develops, the mesoderm pinches off and fuses, forming a second body cavity. The body plan of the deuterostome at this stage looks very similar to that of the protostome, but the blastopore becomes the anus, and the second opening becomes the mouth.

Figure xv.7 Eucoelomates can be divided into two groups, protostomes and deuterostomes, based on their early on embryonic development. Two of these differences include the origin of the mouth opening and the mode in which the coelom is formed.


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